Message processing, handling, publishing and receiving, is probably one of the most important topics of fundamental software architecture. With today's distributed and decoupled systems robust messaging handling is a must. Whether your communicating over Azure Servicebus, Kafka, SignalR, Azure Pub/Sub or another broker you'll need a way to get information out of your application and on down to subscribers. In this post we'll have, as a background, an AspNet Api running on Dotnet 6 Preview 4 and I'll work through a pattern to get messages out of anywhere in your application out to consumers.
We have a multitude of message producers in any given application. Messages could come from Controllers
, Hubs
, Services
, Repositories
, Handlers
etc. All of these abstractions have the ability to produce messages that may influence or direct consumers further downstream. We want our message handling not to obfuscate what these abstractions were originally intended to do. That is to say; We want our message handling to be as lean as possible when it comes to getting a message out. We don't want our message producers to worry about how the message gets routed, published, retried or logged.
We'll develop a simple solution to pass messages from our producers to all our consumers using an intra process handler that communicates with a HostedService
and publishes to all our consumers via a set of Publishers
. The solution presented here was inspired by colleague of mine whose implementation was based on However, we're going to take things a little further, support multiple publishers and base our implementation on Channels
instead of Observables
The Message
We'll use just a simple toy message to demonstrate this pattern. One simple record type. If you haven't seen the new record types available in C# 9 check out this Record Types Intro
public record EventMessage(string payload);
The Messenger
First we introduce a light weight abstraction that will encapsulate sending an intra process message.
public interface IMessengerWriter<TMessage> where TMessage : class
ValueTask WriteAsync(TMessage message);
Next we define the reader half of our messenger.
public interface IMessengerReader<TMessage>
where TMessage : class
Task Shutdown();
ValueTask<bool> WaitToReadAsync(CancellationToken token);
IAsyncEnumerable<TMessage> ReadAllAsync(CancellationToken token);
The Writer
interface is all that will be injected into our message producers, the Controllers
, Services
or Handlers
etc., that produce messages. Notice we provide the bare minimum that concerns our message producers, all they should care about is that the message gets written somewhere and then they can continue on with their intended function. We use ValueTask
here as a Task
is not necessary, we simply need something to await
that indicates the message was written successfully.
The Reader
interface is what will be injected into our consuming process and exposes only the methods of interest to the reader.
But once a message is written, where does it go?
First it goes through the intra process message handler.
The implementation of this handler is based off of the System.Threding.Channels package that allows a process to communicate through reader/writer pairs of channels. If you haven't used these beautiful abstractions before head over to the Channels Intro.
public class Messenger<TMessage>
: IMessengerReader<TMessage>, IMessengerWriter<TMessage>
where TMessage : class
private readonly ChannelWriter<TMessage> writer;
private readonly ChannelReader<TMessage> reader;
public Messenger()
var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<TMessage>();
writer = channel.Writer;
reader = channel.Reader;
public ValueTask<bool> WaitToReadAsync(CancellationToken token)
=> reader.WaitToReadAsync(token);
public IAsyncEnumerable<TMessage> ReadAllAsync(CancellationToken token)
=> reader.ReadAllAsync(token);
public ValueTask WriteAsync(TMessage message)
=> writer.WriteAsync(message);
public Task Shutdown()
return reader.Completion;
As you can see this simple Messenger
just wraps a reader/writer pair and exposes the necessary methods that we're interested in. We create an unbound channel to accept all incoming messages and expect them to be promptly consumed upon writing. This light weight abstraction allows us to inject only the functionality our message producers are concerned with. One advantage here is that nowhere along the line will some producer suddenly complete the writing stream.
The Publishers
In this post we show two publishers: a publisher for Azure Servicebus and one for SignalR. There could be any number of places we want to publish our message and all we have to do implement a simple interface and plug it into the rest of our infrastructure. The interface for a publisher is defined as:
public interface IPublisher<TMessage> where TMessage : class
Task PublishAsync(TMessage message);
We can use this interface to publish to Azure ServiceBus. We won't go into details of Azure Servicebus but you can find more information in this getting started guide.
public class ServicebusPublisher<TMessage> : IPublisher<TMessage> where TMessage : class
private readonly ISenderClient senderClient;
public ServicebusPublisher(ISenderClient senderClient)
=> this.senderClient = senderClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(senderClient));
public Task PublishAsync(TMessage message)
=> senderClient.SendAsync(ToMessage(message));
private static Message ToMessage(TMessage message)
=> new Message
MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonSerializer.Serialize(message))
We can implement the same interface to publish a message to the clients of a SignalR Hub. We won't go into details of SignalR but you can see this quickstart guide for more information.
public class SampleHubPublisher : IPublisher<EventMessage>
private readonly IHubContext<SampleHub, ISampleHubClient> hubContext;
public SampleHubPublisher(IHubContext<SampleHub, ISampleHubClient> hubContext)
=> this.hubContext = hubContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hubContext));
public Task PublishAsync(EventMessage message)
=> hubContext.Clients.All.ClientEvent(message);
The Background Messenger
Next we bring together our IMessenger
and our IPublishers
into a background service that choregraphs the publishing of our message. Our BackgroundMessenger
takes our intra process IMessenger
and all associated IPublishers
and responds to any incoming messages by sending them to each registered publisher.
public class BackgroundMessenger<TMessage>
: BackgroundService
where TMessage : class
private readonly ILogger<BackgroundMessenger<TMessage>> logger;
private readonly IMessengerReader<TMessage> messenger;
private readonly IEnumerable<IPublisher<TMessage>> publishers;
public BackgroundMessenger(
ILogger<BackgroundMessenger<TMessage>> logger,
IMessengerReader<TMessage> messenger,
IEnumerable<IPublisher<TMessage>> publishers)
this.logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
this.messenger = messenger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messenger));
this.publishers = publishers ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publishers));
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
await ReadAndPublish(stoppingToken);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
await messenger.Shutdown();
private async Task ReadAndPublish(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
if (await messenger.WaitToReadAsync(stoppingToken))
await foreach (var message in messenger.ReadAllAsync(stoppingToken))
await Task.WhenAll(publishers.Select(publisher => TryPublish(publisher, message)));
private async Task TryPublish(IPublisher<TMessage> publisher, TMessage message)
await publisher.PublishAsync(message);
logger.LogInformation($"Published to {publisher.GetType().Name} with message {JsonSerializer.Serialize(message)}");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError(ex, $"Error occurred while publishing to {publisher.GetType().Name} with message {JsonSerializer.Serialize(message)}");
Our BackgroundMessenger
is a HostedService
that listens for incoming messages on the Messenger
channel and publishes all messages to registered IPublishers
. For this example we simply log any errors and continue but we could easily add retries and other features.
Bringing It All Together
Finally we wire everything up in our ConfigureServices
method using a custom registration extension that will wire everything up for us.
public static void AddMessenger<TMessage>(
this IServiceCollection services,
IEnumerable<Type> publishers = null,
IEnumerable<IPublisher<TMessage>> instances = null,
IEnumerable<Func<IServiceProvider, IPublisher<TMessage>>> factories = null)
where TMessage : class
if ((publishers is null || !publishers.Any() || !publishers.All(p => p.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IPublisher<TMessage>)))) &&
(instances is null || !instances.Any()) &&
(factories is null || !factories.Any()))
throw new ArgumentException($"Must register at least one publisher for {typeof(TMessage).Name}");
publishers ??= Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
instances ??= Enumerable.Empty<IPublisher<TMessage>>();
factories ??= Enumerable.Empty<Func<IServiceProvider, IPublisher<TMessage>>>();
foreach (var publisher in publishers)
services.AddSingleton(typeof(IPublisher<TMessage>), publisher);
foreach (var publisher in instances)
foreach (var factory in factories)
services.AddSingleton<IMessengerWriter<TMessage>>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<Messenger<TMessage>>());
services.AddSingleton<IMessengerReader<TMessage>>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<Messenger<TMessage>>());
This registration method registers all Publishers
, the Messenger
and the HostedService
for a specific message type. We can provide either implementation types, fully formed Publishers
or factory implementations of our Publishers
In this post we have built some basic infrastructure to easily publish messages out to any number of consumers across any number of messaging infrastructure types. We've shown just two possible Publishers
but any implementation of the IPublisher<TMessage>
interface is possible. Our BackgroundMessenger
now can handle messages from any of our application's producers and we've kept all the messaging dirty work out of producers and kept them lean. You can find all the code for this post on my GitHub Project ConcurrentFlows.HashNode